Back to School

My husband, my son, and myself were out doing errands. It was lunch time and we were sitting down at Panda Express enjoying a meal together. My son had finished almost all of his work for the day. It was our first week back to school and  after a two week winter/holiday break I was feeling the “first week back blues.” 

As I was sitting there, enjoying my chicken and veggies, and thinking how much I enjoyed our school break. Even though I was sick for half of the break. I had a wonderful time not doing the school thing. Not having any set time we had to do things or go places. We played games, watched TV, read books, cooked, talked, and just had a wonderful relaxed time. I ENJOYED being around my son and having all the extra time since we were NOT going to practices or studying anything in particular. Just hanging out.

As I sat there missing the more relaxed, unscheduled, couple of weeks of just hanging out with my son I heard the woman at the table next to me say, “I am so glad school started yesterday. I couldn’t stand being around my kids any longer!” How sad for her, how sad for her children.

Counting down the days till our next break when I can once more enjoy an abundance of unscheduled free time with my child!

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