Archive for October, 2011


Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
Courageous came out this weekend and many in the infertile world won’t be going to see it because they aren’t parents and it doesn’t apply to them. Saying that “Courageous” is only about Fatherhood is like saying “Facing the Giants” is only about Football. Or that “Faith like Potatoes” is only about growing Potatoes.  Fatherhood is simply the basis they use to weave a story of faith, grief, loss, loving God even when you don’t understand your circumstances, relationships, doing the right thing, being an example, making right the wrongs you have done, forgiveness, fathering the fatherless, and being a good husband and father.
Another thing that spoke to me from an infertilty view was the counseling scene while dealing with grief and the loss of of a child. The counselor spoke words that apply to the infertile, or those that have lost a child at any stage, not just a grieving father.
To me the movie wasn’t just about stepping up as a father, but as a man. There is so much more to glean from this movie than just a call to be “Courageous” Fathers, but to be men of God. Anyone watching this could identify with moments in it. Be it trusting God in financial dificulties or making peace with family or a past.  Or doing the right thing even when it’s a hard choice to make.
To dismiss this movie as something not to watch because you aren’t a parent is to miss out on so many of the aspects in the movie that aren’t only about fatherhood. Yes, these things are woven in and out of the lives of the fathers in the movie, but it goes so far beyond just Fatherhood and integretes these things into daily life. It’s calling men to be courageous not just in the aspect of thier lives that is fatherhood, but in ALL aspects of thier lives. To show Courage as men of God. It’s not just about Fatherhood.